You can set up conditional logic for each option in your option set, except for the first option. Not all options require conditional logic, as some options may not depend on others.
To set up conditional logic, follow these steps:
1. Select the option you want to apply conditional logic to #
When editing your options, choose the one that you want to make dependent on another option.
2. Enable conditional logic #
Look for the Conditional Logic Options checkbox on the option editing page and make sure it’s checked. This will activate the conditional logic settings for that option.
3. Set the conditions #
Specify the conditions under which the option will be shown or hidden.
If [All/Any] of these conditions are true:
[Select option] [Select relative] [Add value]
[Select action]
- Choose whether All or Any of the conditions need to be true: This determines if all the specified conditions must be met or if just one of them is enough to trigger the conditional action.
- Select the option that the current option depends on: Choose the option that will affect the visibility of the current option. For example, if you have a “Size” option, you can make the “Color for S” option depend on it.
- Select the relative condition: Choose the relationship between the selected option and the current option among “Is equal to”, “Is not equal to”, “Starts with”, “Ends with”, “Contains”, or “Does not contain”. These conditions define how the values of the options should match or differ.
- Is equal to: This condition requires the values of the selected option and the current option to be exactly the same. For example, if you choose “Is equal to” and set the value as “Red”, the conditional action will only occur when the current option value is also “Red”. Notes: If you have multiple selected option values, such as “Red” and “Green”, the option you are editing will not be shown. However, if you want to show the option you are editing even with multiple selected option values, you should choose the “Contains” relative condition instead of “Is equal to”.
- Is not equal to: This condition means the values of the selected option and the current option must be different. The conditional action will be triggered when the values don’t match. For example, if you choose “Is not equal to” and set the value as “Blue”, the conditional action will happen whenever the current option’s value is anything other than “Blue”.
- Starts with: This condition checks if the value of the current option begins with the same characters as the value of the selected option. It’s useful when you have values that share a common starting pattern. For example, if you choose “Starts with” and set the value as “ABC”, the conditional action will occur when the current option’s value starts with “ABC”, like “ABC123” or “ABCD”.
- Ends with: This condition checks if the value of the current option ends with the same characters as the value of the selected option. It’s helpful when values have a common ending pattern. For example, if you choose “Ends with” and set the value as “XYZ”, the conditional action will be triggered when the current option’s value ends with “XYZ”, such as “123XYZ” or “WXYZ”.
- Contains: This condition checks if the value of the current option contains the value of the selected option. It looks for a partial match. For example, if you choose “Contains” and set the value as “Apple”, the conditional action will occur when the current option’s value has the word “Apple” in it, like “Red Apple” or “Delicious Apples”.
- Does not contain: This condition checks if the value of the current option does not include the value of the selected option. It triggers the conditional action when the selected option’s value is not found within the current option’s value. For example, if you choose “Does not contain” and set the value as “Banana”, the conditional action will be triggered if the current option’s value does not have the word “Banana”.
- Add the specific value: Enter the value that the selected option needs to have for the conditional action to take effect. For instance, if you want the “Colors for S” option to appear only when the “Size” option is set to “S”, enter “S” as the value.
4. Define the conditional action #
Specify whether the option should be shown or hidden when the conditions are met. Choose the appropriate action based on your requirements.
- Show option: Select this action if you want the option to be visible when the conditions are satisfied. For example, if the user selects “S” as the size, the “Colors for S” option will appear.
- Hide option: Choose this action if you want the option to be hidden when the conditions are satisfied. For instance, if the user selects “M” as the size, the “Colors for S” option will be hidden.
5. Repeat the process for additional conditions #
If you need to set up multiple conditions for the same option, you can click the Add another condition button and repeat steps 3 to 4.
Need Assistance? #
If you run into any challenges while setting up the Standard Conditional Logic, feel free to reach out to us for assistance through our convenient in-app live chat, by submitting your request via our contact form, or by sending an email to We’re here to help!