For situations where you initially set up extra prices using Add-on Price but later decide to switch to Add-on Product (e.g., to apply discounts based on the total cart price), you can easily make the transition. Here’s a step-by-step guide using an example:
Example Scenario: Consider a situation where you’ve created custom options for “Greeting Cards” using the Dropdown option type with Add-on Price.
Step 1: Create a Product Representing Extra Costs #
In this step, you’ll create a new “Greeting Cards” product, complete with a Type option and various variants representing different card options.
Include the price, image, and quantity for each card variant.
Notes: The variant values should match the option value labels in the option set. The variant images correspond to the option values’ images in the option set, and the variant prices mirror the prices of the option values.
Step 2: Replace Existing Add-on Prices with Add-on Products #
Access your option set settings and click on the option that contains the Add-on Price you want to replace with the Add-on Product.
Click “Select add-on product” next to the (Add-on) Price. There’s no need to remove the current price, as selecting the Add-on Product will automatically overwrite and replace the old option values’ price, image, and label with the linked product’s information.
Ensure that all products used as add-on products are published and ACTIVE in your Online Store.
If they are not active, the add-on products will not function properly. You have the option to hide them from the storefront if necessary (see Step 3), but they should never be left in an inactive status.
Additionally, it’s crucial to monitor the stock levels of the add-on products. If they become out-of-stock, the option values associated with them will also be disabled or hidden on the storefront (view demo).
You’ll need to add each variant with the corresponding option value.
After selecting all relevant product variants for option values, save the option set, and your old Add-on Price is successfully replaced by the Add-on Product.
Step 3 (Optional): Hide Add-on Products On Your Storefront #
If you’re looking to swap out add-on prices with actual products to sidestep some pricing limitations but don’t want these items visible on your storefront, there’s a simple fix. Just hide them using the seo.hidden metafield. Follow this guide to set up seo.hidden for the products you want to keep on the down-low.
If you run into any challenges while transitioning from the Add-on Prices to the Add-on Products, feel free to reach out to us for assistance through our convenient in-app live chat, by submitting your request via our contact form, or by sending an email to We’re here to help!